Source: Pinterest/Emma Ava

Plus size models are quite controversial topic to search, research, discuss and debate about. Don’t you think so? Have you ever heard, seen or known any plus size models? Have you ever thought if a plus sized person can be a model or someone’s role model? There are many questions to think and ask when we talk about a plus size person who wants to be a model.

What does plus size means to us? Well, it is a term used for those who stand out of the standard ranges of size which are defined globally for normal people. If seen numeric wise for becoming a plus size model, for women who wear a size 10/12 to 14/16 or 18 - inch waist with good body proportions whereas men’s plus size goes up to 4XL and waist size 44” or more, but people who are exclusively obese may not get selected in this profession. A plus size woman is seemed as a voluptuous figure with sensual curves, attractive body and beautiful whereas for a plus size man, he is seemed as a big, stocky solid body build-up and handsome guy just like normal body size people. These people can also be referred as large size, full-figured, extended size or outsize as well. Now, what if they want to be a model and build-up their carrier in modelling field? Do they have any chance or opportunity to be a model? Answer is yes, they do have a lot of opportunities in today’s date to be a model and be successful just like other models out there by carrying their confidence which will make them versatile models.

Source: Instagram/ @dghrahmm- photo by: @tonytrottphoto

Having a plus size model in fashion industry was never a new topic, rather it was a less considered topic to take in note until a former plus model Mary Duffy founded a model agency that specialized and worked efficiently for plus size people who wanted to become a model. After this revolution, there came out many other model agencies who specialized plus size models and this was influenced all over the world. In few countries though, they did not have any plus size models even after this big revolution, but as the time flew they started to accept this concept of having plus size models.


When it comes to modelling as a profession and becoming a professional model, it’s just not about having a perfect body but it is a lot more than that, because now what has vanished is the belief that only people with perfectly toned and shaped bodies can opt modelling as a profession. India is also one of those countries which has proud plus size models, who present themselves out without any fear of getting body shamed by the people just like other plus size models do in other parts of the world. There was a Lakme fashion week in 2016 where a plus size fashion show took up the center stage with the ‘aLL’ collection expertly curated by little Shilpa/Shilpa Chauhan (designer) and Payal Soni, Anjali Anand, Anjana Bapat, Neha Parulkar, Vernika Jain, Tanvi Ravishankar, Anil Pamnani, Amber Qureshi, Kais Sundrani, Rajiv Bhasin, and Arpit Handa were the eleven favored models who with their great confidence, grace, attitude and style stole viewers heart. Moreover they were greeted by loud applause on their entry.


You also might want to take up an example of one of these plus size models – ‘Payal Soni’. She is an amazing personality with great fashion sense. She is someone who believes that “Body positivity means doing whatever is right for you and your journey, listening to yourself and not others, how you love and believe in yourself and only you matters nothing else.” She is truly an inspiration and a role model for all of those who are struggling with their body size.

Source: Instagram- @ _payalsoni_ /picture credit: @vogueindia

 Now, if you are a plus size person with confidence as a model carries and want to become one then I would suggest to go for it and be someone’s role model and inspiration. You will get as many as examples of such models to become your inspiration as from them you will get to learn how you can be fearless, confident, graceful, carry what kind of attitude and style. In fact start following them on social media and you will get an idea how they started their modelling profession from a scratch and how successful they are now.

If we broaden our point of view then being a plus size person is a boon and not a bane if you are a woman with amazing sensual curves and attractive body of which many women desire of but cannot have for some reasons and men should also take it as boon and not a bane. Reaching success might be a bit difficult but it is not impossible as in this journey of becoming a model you might face criticism, rejections, taunts and much more, but all you need to know and keep in mind is ‘you are not faking what you have, but you are showing what you are, were and what  you will be.’ If you take this up in your mind, then there is no one out in this world who can stop you becoming a well acknowledged model.       

So, if you are more of voluptuous or big stocky solid body build-up than a typical model figure and you know how to work on your figure, then there’s no reason why you should not opt for it and following up your passion of becoming a plus size model. You can always start up with a small step i.e. posting your photographs on social media or participating in local fashion shows then further take a big step i.e. starting the search and submit your good suitable photographs to reputable model agencies which hires plus size models for major events. Just be proud of yourself irrespective of whatever shape and size you have.
